

We work with a broad range of materials and our customers come to us for our knowledge and capabilities to provide the best possible accuracy or finish from any specific material.

What materials do we machine?

The most common materials we machine are:
  • Diabase and granite
  • Glass-ceramics (Clearceram®, Zerodur®, ULE®, Macor®)
  • Fused Silica and other optical glass
  • Ceramics
  • Ceramics composites
  • Aluminium
  • Invar
  • Stainless steel

Are we missing your material?

Over our 60 years in the industry, we have solved precision problems for our customers many times in their specific material that is not on the above list and enabled new business ideas and products.

Contact us

Please contact us for enquiries or orders.

What we do

Our materials

How we work
